Installation Steps

Follow these steps to install AuthScope plugin in PingAccess.

  1. Download AuthScope PingAccess plugin from
  2. Extract the zip archive bundle and find the authscope-pingaccess-1.1.0.jar
  3. Copy authscope-pingaccess-1.1.0.jar file in /PingAccess_Install_Folder/lib folder. [Ex: /usr/local/pingaccess-1/lib/]
  4. If PingAccess is configured in clustered mode, ensure that the jar file is deployed to all the instances of the PingAccess engines.
  5. Restart PingAccess engine.

Configuration Steps

Follow these steps to configure AuthScope PingAccess plugin.

  1. Login to PingAccess admin console.
  2. Navigate to Policies from the left hand menu. PolicyMenu
  3. Add new Rule by clicking the + button as shown below.

  4. Select the AuthScope Authorization from the DropDown. SelectAuthScope

  5. Configure the AuthScope Authorization. AuthScopePluginForm
  6. Fill in the required items as follows
Fields Values
Name AuthScope Authorization
Type AuthScope Authorization
AuthScope Authority URL
Application Id Enter the Application Id as generated by AuthScope Admin.
API KEY Enter the API Key as generated for the Resources Server by AuthScope Admin.
Application Policy version The policy version of the application that is being protected.
AuthScope Trusted Certificate Group Trust Any
  1. Save the configured AuthScope rule.
  2. Select the application you want to protect using AuthScope policies from the Applications Column on PingAccess. AppToRule
  3. Drop the AuthScope Authorization rule on the Policy "Drop a rule, rule set or group here" field.
  4. Save configuration.
  5. Test API using postman.

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